Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Unless you're training for the Olympics

Baby gates are a wonderful thing. They keep your children out of harm's way or protect things you don't want them to smash in one red hot second. We only have one in our house and it sits between the dining room and the kitchen. Now that Little Man can reach the knobs on the stove, it's time to leave it up all the time. 

Yesterday, though, I wish it hadn't been there. As anyone that has electronic devices knows, you have to charge them once in a while. My Blackberry was charging on the counter and I could hear Low Rider by War playing from my back room. (That's my husband's ring tone.) I ran in to get the phone before I lost the call. Bad choice. 

I hustle into the dining room, I make a break for the phone over the baby gate, hurdle style and WHAM-O... not so much. I did NOT make the jump. It was obvious to me that I wouldn't be making the 2008 Summer Olympic team for track and field. The jeans I had on did not give as much as I needed and let's face it, I probably could have been in running shorts and I still wouldn't have made it. If anyone wants to know, hardwood floors do not make for a soft landing what so ever and baby gates leave super sweet bruises. Next time, I'll just call him back.